About Education Loan

Don’t let finances hold you back from enrolling yourself in your institute of your choice. We will help you take charge of your finances with a range of student loans. We, at ezyMoni Fintech Solutions, understand your ambitions and acknowledge your merit. We are there to help you with financial aid to make your journey hassle-free. We ensure that you get competitive student loan interest rates. We look at various available options in the Education loan space after extensive research on the requirements of the student thus providing financial support for education in India and overseas.

There are various components to a deal like rate of interest, loan amount, processing fees, minimum cut-off bureau score norms, minimum income norms etc. All these components have to be assessed in totality to get a great deal.

We take untiring effort in ensuring that we offer you the best possible financial solutions. We are here to help you to get the best deal from all the Banks / NBFCs. Your proposal is reviewed thoroughly at our end for the best fitment of your requirements.

To achieve this, we at ezyMoni have blended technology and personalized services to create meaningful relationships with you and take you closer to your dream home.

To know more, contact our loan counsellors on 8225 89 89 89 or give a missed call on 8302 116 116

Types of Education loan

Higher Education loan-India

In a developing country like India, the demand for good quality higher education is on the rise, to build a better future. We, at ezyMoni Fintech Solutions brings fully digitized and customized education loan for unique needs of every student. Whether it is education loan for MBA or any other professional or vocational course, part-time or full-time, we cover widest range of programs. In addition to the academic expenses (tuition, hostel, exam fee etc.), We can also facilitate financial coverage for additional expenses such as laptop, insurance, travel and others.

Higher Education loan-Abroad Studies

Pursuing studies overseas brings incomparable benefits by providing career prospects in new markets. But, the journey has several challenges – planning of funds, application process, living and travel expenses. We at IDFC FIRST Bank are happy to handhold you with our thoughtfully curated education loan for abroad studies. You will receive guidance through every step of the journey, right from your loan application to the disbursement, thereby making the admission process hassle-free.

ezyMoni for all your Education loan needs...

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Features of Education Loan

ezyAccess to Education loan for securing the future of your child. Get the best offers for Education Loan from leading private banks and NBFCs.

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• Upto 100% financing including living cost.

• Pre-admission loan evaluation

• Repayment tenure up to 15 years in easy EMIs

• Loan sanction even before admission confirmation

• Loan amount of up to Rs.1.00 crore

• No hidden charges

• Income tax benefits under section 80E

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• Education loans for AICTE and non-AICTE approved courses

• Unsecured (collateral free) educational loans to selected courses

• Loan approval even before your confirmed admission as this helps you to show proof of funds to Universities

Education Loan Eligibility

Any student who fulfills the following norms can apply for education loan.

• An Indian National (Including NRI)

• 18 years old or above at the time of loan commencement

• Admitted in the desired institution after completion of the pre requisite qualifications

documents required

These are some of the basic documents required for appraising your proposal. You an talk to our loan councellors if you seek any clarification.

Documents for Education Loan - Student / Financial co-applicant (salaired & Self employed / Property documents

Frequently Ask Questions

Here are the answers to some of the questions that usually people ask. Talk to our loan councellors if your questions are not appearing here.

Student loan for studying abroad could be availed for studying in a number of countries – USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore and others.

The student loan for studying abroad would include the following expenses towards the course :

College related expenses:

• • Tuition and Fees payable to the institute

• • Examination / library / laboratory fees

• • Purchase of books / Equipment / uniforms

• Living expenses (including Hostel fees)

Other Expense :

• • Travel expenses

• Purchase of computers/laptops

• • Overseas Insurance

• • Cost of health insurance

Education loan for abroad studies covers plethora of courses across graduation and post-graduation degrees. The list includes technical and professional courses offered by the recognized universities and autonomous institutions. Apart from the full time courses, we fund education for executive, part time, vocational and diploma courses as well.
