date_from (string)
2020-07-28 00:00:00
REQUIRED Y-m-d h:i:s Format
date_to (string)
2020-07-28 23:59:59
REQUIRED Y-m-d h:i:s Format
campaign_id (number)
Note : if search by "campaign_id" then no need to enter date_from or date_to.

answered: The destination has answered the call
rejected: The call attempt was rejected by the destination
busy: The destination is on the line with another caller
unanswered: The call was canceled by the caller
timeout: The call timed out before it was answered
failed: The call failed before reaching the destination
completed: The call is  completed successfully

Email Marketing Marketing  Marketing 

Email Marketing

1. Email Template Designing

2. Bulk Email Sending

3. Dynamic Bulk Email Sending

4. Email Subscriber

5. Automated Email Marketing

6. Scheduled Email

7. Email Tracking

8. Create Form

9. Manage Report
